3 wheel electric bicycles install three wheel bicycle, car or tablet device for manned or loading tricycle is adapted from a bicycle transport can also be manned cargo.
Should choose electric bikes note the following:
1, the Electric Bikes the fastening screw nut should be tightened, not loose and fall off. 2, each rotating parts should be flexible operation, it may not have stuck, stay stiff phenomenon. Such as: front and rear wheels should rotate flexible, and should not swing around and up and down, it will be stopped when the front and rear wheels should do a brisk swing, not suddenly stop turning. Turning left and right should be flexible and comfortable handlebar, pedal axle and the crank should be tightened, not loose each other, and flexible rotation. 3, shift the car in the correct speed range strain gear, shift position should be clear, there can not be neutral in the middle. 4, the chain should be suitable elastic, flexible operation. Forward Reverse repeatedly shake hands crank sprockets, chains flexible operation, not a jump chain and shedding phenomenon. 5, with both hands above the front and rear part of the saddle, one hand firmly under the front of the presser saddle, saddle front-end can not be staying. Then hands horizontal turning of the saddle, the saddle should not be rotated. 6, the selection of brakes and brake system: hands holding the handlebars, while the front and rear brakes were about push bike, then the wheel should not rotate; release the handle, the brake system should be able to quickly reset. 7, each electric bicycle bike parts surface should be clean, no stains, rust, trademark decals should be complete, clear, no sharp edges burrs, etc., such as fender and chain guard edge should not have prickly feeling brakes and other end of the rope should be installed protective covers. 8, grade or label observe parts. Generally good parts are marked with significant trademark mark and clear and beautiful patterns, while lemons are rarely marked or rough.
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