Power -based batteries provide power to the electric tricycle belonging to an appliance , so the conditions permitting, on a rainy day car travel should be avoided . Rainy day is best not to ride electric vehicles , electric vehicles otherwise we should try to let the rain .
Due to special reasons , such as living and working people can not be completely avoided rainy trip . So carry a waterproof tablecloth like, when parking the vehicle body especially the battery cover , of course, you can also use a raincoat . Open storage of the electric car , try to hide the controller to prevent water, if necessary, remove the battery to be placed indoors . In case of an accident , the electric car has been in the rain, you will need to use cloth or paper towels and other absorbent stuff the battery and connect the plug to wipe clean, and had not turned on the power , because once the power is turned on , it may cause a short circuit .
Rain driving an electric tricycle trip , you should try to avoid wading through the high-speed electric vehicles from the water , because the spray thrown all the way , it is easy to be infiltrated the battery and plug-in connection causing a short circuit . So, when driving on rainy roads water , paying particular attention to avoid deep water lot . After the rain , the electric car maintenance is also very important, should be placed in the electric vehicle ventilated, dry place . After arrival, the store should be stored in a garage or canopy rain gear cover . three
wheel bikes was wet after rain again while driving should be to first plug- parts and batteries for drying , and then check the plug on the vehicle to ensure that no strange before use. Rainy trip, we need to protect the electric tricycle in particular to protect the dashboard and motor , conditions best to repair shop to be checked.